STYLE : Kit Harington wearing a Breton stripe sweater



Kit Harington qui cherche ses cigarettes près de son hôtel new-yorkais, c’est la scène que l’on pouvait voir hier. On constatera que pour l’interprète de Jon Snow la marinière est toujours tendance. Ici, un modèle de la marque SOLID.

Photos :  TNYF/

Kit Harington outside of his hotel in New YorkFeaturing: Kit H
Kit Harington outside of his hotel in New York
Kit Harington outside of his hotel in New York
Kit Harington outside of his hotel in New York
Kit Harington outside of his hotel in New York
Kit Harington outside of his hotel in New York
Kit Harington outside of his hotel in New York
Kit Harington outside of his hotel in New York
Kit Harington outside of his hotel in New YorkFeaturing: Kit H
Kit Harington outside of his hotel in New York
Kit Harington outside of his hotel in New York
Kit Harington outside of his hotel in New York

Chaussures de voyage : le parfait compromis entre confort et style
Chaussures de voyage : le parfait compromis entre confort et style